Saturday, January 5, 2013

Glenn Greenwald Is A Bit Naive, Isn't He?

Or...maybe that's just what he wants you to think:
Before getting to the merits of all this, I must say: I simply do not understand how someone who decides to become a journalist then devotes his energy to urging that the government be empowered to ban and criminalize certain ideas and imprison those who express them. Of all people who would want the state empowered to criminalize ideas, wouldn't you think people who enter journalism would be the last ones advocating that?
Well, no, Glenn, I wouldn't. And unlike Longrider, I'm not so sure you really get it, either...
How do people get so convinced of their own infallibility that they want to arrogate to themselves the power not merely to decree which views are wrong, but to use the force of the state to suppress those views and punish people for expressing them?
Gosh. It's a mystery, all right...

Maybe he just hasn't been at the 'Guardian' for very long?

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