Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Well, They've At Least Learnt Not To Use The Phrase 'Learning Lessons'...

Paul Dyson, independent chair of Hull's safeguarding children board, said: "The board takes extremely seriously cases which result in injuries of this kind to children. The board is aware of this case and, now that the criminal case is concluding, will consider whether any further learning is required."
Because that's always a dead giveaway...

As is the fact that - despite concerns - there was no official record:
Jon Plant, city safeguarding children manager, said: "The child was not previously on an 'at risk' register or child protection plan with Hull children's services.
"Following the incident, immediate steps were taken by professionals to remove the child and ensure their long-term wellbeing and to ensure that those responsible for causing the injuries were brought to justice."
Yes, you were very prompt after the baby was scalded with the bathwater. Pity you didn't do something before...
Health visitors and social services are understood to have had concerns about the baby in the months before it happened and had failed to gain access to see her on 12 separate occasions.
And yet, the squalor in which an inadequate young couple were bringing up a child provoked no urgency:
The Mail can reveal the authorities failed to gain access to the Bransholme house the couple were living in, despite warning signs such as 20 bags of rubbish and hundreds of soiled nappies piled high outside.
If that's 'taking cases extremely seriously', one can only wonder how they deal with the rest...

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