Thursday, January 10, 2013

Will This Get Logan Smith Shunned By The Progressives?

In a column raging about Twitter's 'I'm not racist but...' meme, he notes:
The most disturbing thing about @YesYoureRacist isn’t the racism itself. It’s that the people I retweet - the vast majority of which appear to be teenagers - genuinely don’t understand whether they’re being racist. It’s a generation that never had to grow up during the times of Jim Crow, civil rights marches or apartheid, and has never been confronted by the institutional racism that older generations saw on a daily basis. As a result, many teens seem to think racism simply means active hatred of another race, and not the apparent prejudices and stereotypes displayed by the people I retweet.
Good grief, Logan! Are you really saying that institutional racism is no longer a problem?

Wow! Some real heavy-hitters are going to be gunning for you...

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