Friday, January 11, 2013

It's Not A Change In The Law That's Needed...'s a change in the attitudes of the public sector:
The DPP revealed the change in tactics yesterday as he responded to the criticism and said he will not hesitate to call for a change in the law.
Pointless. Utterly pointless. Yet more evidence (as if it were needed) that Kier Starmer is as much use as a chocolate teapot...
Ann Clwyd, a Labour MP whose 2003 FGM Act bans girls being taken abroad to have the procedure, said teachers, doctors and police had shown "a lack of sufficient will to confront minority ethnic groups on such an issue".
She added: "It's very nice to get a law through Parliament, but if it isn't acted upon, it isn't worth the paper it's written on."
Starmer's solution? Try a different law!
Mr Starmer said he did not want to repeal existing anti-FGM laws, as that would "send the wrong message", but he conceded "the legislation clearly isn't nearly enough on its own". His FGM "action plan" also pledges to "explore whether evidence to prosecute offences under other legislation is possible and may be easier to support".
He targeted the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act, which creates an offence of "causing or allowing a child or vulnerable adult to die or suffer serious physical harm", as route to tougher action.
Clearly, a man who only has a hammer to solve his problems...
An Association of Chief Police Officers spokesman said: "Detection can be difficult because some children are exposed to the practice before they enter the schooling system. There are dedicated officers working in this area and police will investigate where there is information that such practices are occurring. Officers are working with community representatives to highlight serious health issues that can arise."
Stop 'working with community representatives' and start arresting them!

If it helps to get your outrage on, try to imagine they pinched some 20 year old starlet's bum 30 years ago... 

And stop hiring public health workers from the cultures that tolerate this:
I moved to England in 2011 and, through my work, I have seen women, some Somali, who have needed to have an operation [deinfibulation] to give birth. But when they come back for a second child they have again been sewn up [reinfibulation], so it is possible they are having FGM in the UK. I want to help other ladies. I feel complete but I don't want girls to go through this.
That's a quote from 'Aissa Edon, 30, a midwife working at Ealing Hospital, London.'

What does she do with her information, other than give it to a newspaper reporter? Perhaps a few high-profile trials of those who turn a blind eye will do the trick.

I suggest we start with Aissa.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Bams Raja , and dear all
    Please don't juge people if only know throughtout an incomplete/ incorrect article.
    for the story it was an interview done via phone and only preson I met was the photograph, and when I saw the publish article with some mistakes on it I call the journalist to ask him to correct them , I realised he didn't do it.
    so I will do it now it for people like you; I said I know that is a reality that some ladies come back re-infibulated but I never said I SAW with my own eyes this ladies. be sure as a health professional but most all as a person who as undergone FGM i will report any person I come accross with re-infibulation.
    I am fighting again fgm since they did that to me and I will fight again UNTIL IT STOP.
    I don t think I have to justify myself to you or to who live my life , but I felt like when I saw your comment I needed to take your words in count and that "Perhaps a few high-profile trials of those who turn a blind eye will do the trick."
    started by you.
    Thanks anyway uninformed comment it gave me the opportunity to really answer back.

    by the away if you are really intersting I am member of the FGM national group , and also in the the process to open an FGM clinic in my hospital with the aim to help, educate , guide the women and their families but also the professionnel to deal FGM.

