Monday, October 29, 2012

Actually, No, Children Shouldn’t ‘Need To Learn How To Deal With This’…

I mean, I'm all for ‘tough love’, but…
One mother, a nurse aged 36 who gave her name only as Adele, said: “I agree you can’t have strangers in the school, but children in teams need to learn about crowds who swear at them and give verbal abuse.
By banning parents, it’s not giving them the real experience of the crowd.”
This is in response to a head teacher who used the fact that some spectators got ‘aggressive’ (and more importantly, she didn't have enough staff to police events) to ban parents from watching sports days.

Now, yes, I don’t believe in wrapping youngster in cotton wool, but seriously, how can you claim swearing and verbal abuse during sport is something they have to get used to?

Does it ever really happen in anything other than football, anyway?

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