Monday, October 29, 2012

Ah, I See The Problem Here - Too Little Petrol...

...or possibly, no ignition source:
Frank Phillips, representing Morgan, said he was “sorry for what happened” but acted out of paranoia after himself being a victim of an attack.
He said his client had previously been involved in an attack where petrol was thrown over him.
“When he went into this restaurant he thought the complainant’s partner had looked at him in a strange way. Clearly he misunderstood the situation,” said Mr Phillips.
Oh. You think?
“It escalated from there. That’s an explanation but it’s not put forward as an excuse,” said Mr Phillips.
*chuckles* Yeah. Sure it isn't...
Judge Keith Thomas, sitting at Swansea Crown Court, said he had acted without “any reason or provocation”.
“It was a disgraceful attack on a lady who is disabled,” he added.
“You have a quite dreadful record for violence and public order matters, particularly in the last couple of years.”
“You rarely go out, but it seems when you have, you have caused trouble,” he added.
He then jailed Morgan for 10 weeks.
So he'll serve...half?

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