Thursday, October 18, 2012


It’s Kerry McCarthy vs Nick Clegg:
The Labour MP today challenged Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg to also take a stand on the issue. Mr Clegg had previously said it would be "deeply illiberal" for the government to dictate the content of newspapers.
It must be like a Chihuahua attacking ….errr, a slightly larger Chihuahua!
Speaking in the House of Commons, Ms McCarthy said: "The Deputy Prime Minister, not for the first time, disappointed many people this week by refusing to support calls for the editor of The Sun to take the long overdue step of dropping page three, saying that it would be illiberal to do so.
"Does his version of liberalism really prevent him from taking a public stand against the objectification of women? Whose interests is he most interested in protecting?"
Stung by the yapping emanating from the small fluffy inconsequential creature, the other small fluffy inconsequential creature yapped back:
Mr Clegg said the Bristol MP had "entirely twisted" his words.
He added: "I said - I would be interested to know whether she agrees with this - that it would be wholly illiberal and wrong for this House to seek to compel any editor to determine the content of their newspapers. If that is the kind of authoritarian nonsense she believes in, then I am perfectly content to say that we entirely disagree."
Ouch! Those little teeth can leave a mark…
Speaking afterwards, Ms McCarthy said the No More Page 3 campaign was not looking to ban the pictures, but to persuade the newspaper to stop running them.
She added: "He ought to be supporting the campaign."
Be quiet, dear. Stop stamping your little feet. The grown-ups are working...

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