Friday, October 19, 2012

Oh, Well, It's Another One On The DNA Database, Eh?

Remember this story? Well, it seems the police now have their 'clear picture':
...police last week closed their investigation into the death of William Phillips.
Mr Phillips, of Derby Street, died following an altercation near to the doctors’ surgery in Oak Street, Norwich, which took place at about 8.50am on Wednesday, July 18.
Police said last week that no further action would be taken against a 22-year-old man arrested in connection with the incident, and Mr Phillips’ family was also informed. A Norfolk police spokesman said a team had concluded that no criminal offences had been committed in relation to his death, and it was no longer being treated as suspicious.
Oh, well. At least you got a cyclist's DNA, eh? Maybe it'll come in useful later?

Some curious comments about him, however, amongst the tributes:
Su Waterman said: “I feel terribly sad to have just heard the news about Will. I used to own the cafe on St Benedicts Street ‘House’.
“Will would often come in a for a cup of tea and a chat. His condition meant he might sometimes cross certain boundaries but he knew when he was ‘misbehaving’.
“Those on the street who knew him, knew he meant no harm and he always apologised if he ‘overstepped the mark’.”
Another friend, Genevieve Marten added: “Will was a wonderful guy, very intelligent, enthusiastic and so positive about life. He had a difficult disease that people could not relate to, so he could not control his nerves.
He was very misjudged due to a lack of understanding.
Often, the medication was enough to let the real Will shine through. I feel honoured to have been able to know him.”
How very odd. Does it shed more light on why an innocent man was arrested?

H/T: Dave Ward via email

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