Monday, October 22, 2012

Yes, Prison Doesn’t Work, Right?

David Parfitt was locked up for 12 years in 2003 for the manslaughter of PC Ged Walker in Bulwell. Dog handler PC Walker, 42, suffered head injuries trying to stop Parfitt driving off in a stolen taxi in St Alban's Road.
He actually only served about eight years…
Parfitt, now 35, was released on licence in March and was staying at a hostel in Lincoln. In May he punched and head butted his new partner, from Lincoln, who he met online.
And so it was back to jail for him!
Parfitt was given a two-year jail sentence at Leicester Crown Court yesterday for actual bodily harm and six months for attempting to pervert the course of justice, to run consecutively.
The police are delighted, even though – as far as the justice system is concerned – this is nothing to do with the original sentence and is merely a violation of his parole:
Notts Police Federation chairman Phil Matthews said: "We think he should have got longer in the first place. The fact that he's been given parole and abused that speaks for itself.
"It is good news that he is back in prison and hopefully he will now serve the rest of his sentence."
Not serving his entire sentence, though, seems to have been a habit:
Parfitt, then of Wareham Close, Aspley, was also on licence from prison after being released early from a robbery sentence when he killed PC Walker.
When are we going to start demanding that the justice system actually does the job it’s supposed to do, which is to protect us from recidivists?

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