Friday, November 9, 2012

And If That Doesn’t Work, You’ll All Be In Detention!

Yes, you, Mrs Brown, and you, Mr Jones!
Parents have been condemned for sending “offensive and inappropriate” emails to staff at a secondary school.
Quite right, too! The culprits should be dealt with.

But, when you are used to administering collective punishment to your charges, I suppose it makes some sort of sense to do the same thing with their parents.
All parents of pupils at East Sussex County Council-run Chailey Secondary School in Mill Lane, South Chailey, near Lewes, received a letter last week informing them that such behaviour would not be tolerated.
Yup. All parents. Not just the ones who sent the emails…
Chairman of internet bullying charity Cyber Smile Scott Freeman, based in Brighton, said: “This sets a terrible example to the pupils. The term ‘think before you click’ springs to mind more than ever before.”
Yes indeed, it does. Pity the headmistress didn't think of that, eh?

And is anyone else curious as to what the school might find ‘offensive’ or ‘inappropriate’?

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