Saturday, November 3, 2012

Wait…Now It Takes A Village To Raise An Adult?

A "code" which could help prevent people becoming victims of crime has won backing from all the candidates to become the first Notts Police and Crime Commissioner.
"Caroline's Code" is being developed following the murder of Caroline Coyne last July.
Ahhh, yes. That’s this case.

When police came in for a lot of unfounded criticism for telling her they weren't a taxi service. Even though they were perfectly correct to do so. They aren't a taxi service!
After Thursday's verdict, Jason Stansfield, who helped bring Caroline up while in a relationship with her mother Mandy Coyne, wants public, transport companies and taxi firms to sign up to the code, which obliges passers-by including bus drivers and the public to try to help people at risk.
This is actually the law in France and some other countries. It doesn't stop bad things happening. They still do.
Conservative candidate Tony Roberts said: "That 'neighbourliness' does seem to have gone now. You have to think about the potential consequences of ignoring that person. This could make us all more aware and a bit more sensitive and something good could come out of it in the end."
Really? You don't think there might also be some adverse consequences to allowing every slapper in the county to decide that they don't need to worry about their taxi fare home - nay, even getting a taxi at all - and they can, instead, depend on the kindness of strangers because it's mandated in law?
Paddy Tipping, the Labour candidate, said: "I'm very supportive of the idea of the code. I'm concerned that not just on this occasion but with what happened at the Forest Recreation Ground there were serious consequences that could have been avoided."
The incident he's referring to is this one, when a woman who didn't have the full bus fare was refused and later, as she walked home, raped. Why didn't she have the full bus fare? Who knows. We can guess...
Mr Stansfield, 42, said: "If it does take off it could be rolled out nationally and become a pilot project.
I'm still determined that there will be an attitude change."
Perhaps the 'attitude change' you should be aiming for is this one:

"Ladies! Considering going out on the lash? Make sure you don't drink so much you can't get home safely! Especially, don't drink your taxi fare home money!"

This has been a public service announcement.

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