Wednesday, November 7, 2012


The family of a missing woman have hit out at police
For not bothering to find her? Well, no. Not exactly.

For bothering.
… after they were door-knocked as part of the inquiry.

I just…

Police have been carrying out inquiries in Sneinton and have put up posters – but Leanne feels let down after a police community support officer (PCSO) knocked on her door to ask if she had heard anything about the missing woman.
"I was disgusted – they should have known this is her address," she said. "If you can't trust the police who can you trust?"
Oh, get over yourselves!

It was an error – the PCSO is actually doing the job they are paid for, for once, rather than standing guard over a plastic egg in some school playground!

That they knocked on your door too just means – as usually happens – a bit of poor communication. It’s not a ghastly plot to rub your noses in it.
Inspector Mark Stanley said: "The inquiry was made in good faith and the PCSOs were unaware that the property was linked to Sandra.
"This does not detract from the upset it has caused her daughter and I have personally apologised to her."
I've no doubt he felt he had to say something, but really…
Sandra's mum Kathleen, Gollin, 86, said: "We just want to see something being done to find Sandra and bring her home."
You just have seen something being done – so stop whinging about it to the local newspaper!

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