Monday, November 5, 2012

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

A Southampton peer has sparked anger by suggesting retired people do community work in return for their pensions.
I think you've got that the wrong way wrong, chum. The pensions are a 'reward' for their work. Just like your stonking great civil service pension is a 'reward' for your w...

Oh. I  see.
Lord Bichard, who was educated at King Edward VI Grammar School in Southampton, said "imaginative" ideas were needed to avoid older people becoming "a burden on the state".
It takes some imagination to grasp quite how Bichard himself isn't a burden on the state. I don't think I've quite managed it yet...
During a meeting of a committee investigating the impact of the ageing society, he said: "Are there ways in which we could use incentives to encourage older people, if not to be in full time work, to be making a contribution?
"It is quite possible, for example, to envisage a world where civil society is making a greater contribution to the care of the very old, and older people who are not very old could be making a useful contribution to civil society in that respect, if they were given some incentive or some recognition for doing so."
We could make them peers of the realm, I suppose?
He added: "Are we using all of the incentives at our disposal to encourage older people not just to be a negative burden on the state but actually be a positive part of society?"
Soylent Green, anyone..?

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