Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Killer In My Dining Room...

I'm watching it.

It sits there, eyeing me.

Plotting my doom. It knows it just has to be patient.

It's....the sweater I'm drying on the radiator.

Wait. What?
A study carried out by the Mackintosh School of Architecture found that many homes had too much moisture indoors.
Up to a third of this moisture was attributed to drying laundry. The researchers have called on housebuilders to build dedicated drying areas into new housing to address the health concerns.
A study of 100 homes by the Mackintosh Environmental Architecture Research Unit in Glasgow found 87% dried their washing indoors in colder weather.
Ummm, well, yes. It's Glasgow. Not famed for it's sunny climate, is it? I doubt that figure drops much in summer!
A total of 75% of households, which were of mixed styles, had moisture levels which could lead to dust mite growth. There was also a strong association between drying laundry and mould spores.
'Could'. 'Association'. This is more pointless 'science', isn't it?
The researchers want to see dedicated drying areas incorporated into new housing.
Have they even seen any new build housing? There's barely room to fit humans in, never mind airing cupboards!

Leg-Iron's right - reality long outstripped satire!

H/T: Robert Hale via email

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