Thursday, November 29, 2012

OK, Everyone, Back To Normal….

A teenager involved in last years Croydon riots has avoided jail.
The 17-year-old who cannot be named, was arrested by police on August 8, exactly a year after the disorder in Croydon.
In interview, the boy admitted to committing two burglaries, one at Argos in Church Street and the other at a Jewellers in Surrey Street.
He also admitted participating in violent disorder in London Road and causing criminal damage at the Iceland store in Surrey Street by kicking and breaking the window.
And now the spotlight isn’t on magistrates, they go straight back to their old ways:
He was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment, suspended for 24 months and was ordered to be on an electronic tag and curfew for four months.
He must also carry out 150 hours of unpaid community work and is required to attend probation appointments for 24 months.
The police must wonder why they bother…

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