Tuesday, November 20, 2012

”What’s in the box..?”

Errr, you’re an animal rescue centre. What do you think it could be?
Animal lovers have spoken of their shock at the discovery of 11 dehydrated and poorly puppies – dumped outside a rescue centre in a plastic box.
This can’t be unusual, surely?
Simon Donnelly, chairman of the charity Supporters of Stray and Abandoned Dogs (SoSAD), said Kevin Forsyth, who owns and runs the rescue centre, was on duty when he noticed something on the CCTV camera.
Mr Donnelly said: “He thought something had been left at the gate and went to have a look, thinking it was blankets. That’s when he found the pups – 11 of them.
“He made sure they were fed and put them in heated kennels and arranged for a vet to check them out. They have been eating very well indeed.”
So, all’s well that ends well, yes?
“It is shocking to think anyone could have left them like that – in plastic box covered in just a blanket during a very cold early morning. ”
Well, given the alternative…. No. Dumping them in a river would be 'shocking'...

H/T: Anna Raccoon via email

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