Thursday, November 15, 2012

Their Contempt For You Is Total…

Children at the primary school had been sent home at 2pm rather than their usual 3.30pm on Tuesday, October 30, due to vital staff development training. Parents had received letters informing them of the change, which was said to allow teachers to research future lessons.
But one parent chose not to accept what he was being told:
He alleges he was tipped off that staff were not undertaking in-school training, and travelled there himself to verify. When he arrived, he said, the carpark was empty and a cleaner informed him staff had left “straight after” the pupils.
Amateur sleuth Mr Hussain then drove to the The Grand Venue, Oldham, to find 24 teachers and members of staff celebrating the wedding of a colleague, a Mrs Begum.
Whoops! Busted! But they have a plan to brazen it out, of course. Don’t they always?
Despite confronting headteacher Gillian Pursey at the wedding, he has now called for an official external inquiry into how it could happen.
Well, why not? It does seem to be the case that, these days, if you are unhappy, you call for an official inquiry!
Mrs Pursey has claimed staff were permitted to use the hour and a half to research in their own time, choosing to complete the work later in the evening instead.
What, after the wedding? That’s a likely story. Almost as good as ‘the dog ate my homework’…
A spokesman for Oldham council said: “While the management of staff resources is a matter for the school and their governing body, the Council are asking the Diocese to establish the facts of the matter and report back to the local authority.
"It would be inappropriate to comment further during that investigation.”
Does anyone seriously think anything will come of this? It just shows the massive contempt that some public sector workers have for their supposed ‘customers’.

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