Saturday, November 10, 2012

If It’s ‘For The Chiiiiillldreeeen!’ How Can You Say It’s Gone Wrong?

Suzanne Moore weighs in on the Savile scandal.

And she finds the concentration on the ‘celebrity’ aspect of it all very unhelpful to her agenda:
The recognition of abuse has been seen as a leftie/liberal delusion. Safeguarding and CRB checks have indeed been cack-handed and intrusive but it is important to remember they were born from a wish to protect children.
So…if they sprang from righteous intentions, we can’t criticise how they were used? Really?
The focus on Savile has triggered many to now tell their truths and, if we can bear to listen, it is heartwrenchingly apparent that, unlike Savile, many of these men who abused children are the most ordinary of monsters.
We don't need an inquiry to tell us this, or that "care" is often not care at all. We need, instead, the political will to provide the resources to look after our most vulnerable children properly and to prosecute those who rape them. Only then will we have "moved on" from where were 20 years ago.
So you see, it’s simple.

All we have to do is simply accept what these ‘victims’ are telling us, without question, avoiding all doubt over discrepancies in their stories, and all will be well.

C’mon, who doesn't think that’ll make things so much better for the future?

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