Thursday, November 1, 2012

Can New Legislation Fix This?

I'm doubtful:
Thousands of horses and ponies face being abandoned or suffering from neglect as irresponsible breeding, spiralling bills, and rockbottom sale prices take their toll, according to six leading equine welfare organisations.
And guess what they want to help prevent this? That’s right!
The organisations are calling for legislation that will enable them to more quickly identify owners and punish them with fines and the seizure of animals for fly-grazing.
Hmmm, now, maybe it’s me, but surely all horses require a ‘Equine Passport’? Tattooing, etc? Shouldn't that be the thing that identifies owners?

Surely…the answer couldn't be that people aren't complying with it?

Right! I know what’ll fix this! More legislation!


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