Friday, November 9, 2012

Gesture Politics Writ Small…

Jimmy Savile’s corpse should be exhumed and his remains cremated following complaints from other people who have loved ones buried in the same cemetery…
According to whom?!?
… a Tory councillor claimed.
Oh, for….

Who is this clown?
Coun Colin Haddington spoke out as his civic colleagues voted unanimously to immediately strike Savile’s name from Scarborough Council’s roll of honour and posthumously revoke his freedom of the Borough once the police investigation is over.
And…if the police investigation should prove him innocent? What then? Or is that considered to be such an unlikely result that there’s no point in worrying about it?
But council leaders said there was no point in investigating the idea of an exhumation because the decision on his final resting place is a matter for his family and the church authorities.
Oh. I see. Not because it’s an utterly insane idea and puts you on a level with those medieval European peasants that put animals on ‘trial’ for murder, then?
Coun Haddington said: “I have been contacted by one of my constituents whose granddaughter is buried close to Savile.
“This has caused her enormous concern and the family a great deal of distress. My constituent has asked me to put her family at ease – if the body could be exhumed, taken a short distance to the crematorium, and cremated.”
And did it not occur to you to simply suggest to this delicate soul that she really should have more important things to worry herself about?

The dead are dead. They can’t be hurt, or embarrassed, or shamed.

Or don’t they value blunt, plain speaking in Yorkshire any more?

Update: And (thanks to Edwin Greenwood) just when you think that’s the stupidest thing you’re going to read about this, think again!
Former West Yorkshire Police detective John Stainthorpe said the disgraced presenter was a suspect in the notorious case more than 30 years ago… Mr Stainthorpe, who spent 40 years in the force, told ITV's Calendar News: "When the Ripper was really active, one of the suspects put forward by the public was, in fact, Jimmy Savile.
"Obviously, it was not he, but he was interviewed along with many others."

I just….
Mr Stainthorpe said the person who gave police the anonymous tip-off was "aiming in the right direction".
"Child perverts soon become child killers," he added.
Well, not really, because the Ripper targeted adult women, and Savile isn't alleged to have killed anyone.


*gives up on humanity*

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