Monday, November 19, 2012

What Future..?

Mark died just seven days after the birth of his daughter Mychalina on July 11…
Oooh, the name kind of gives the game away, doesn’t it?
… and had been on a night out with Frayne before they went back to a flat in Goole to take heroin.
It proved to be a fatal mistake. And not – for once – due to contamination with anthrax.
Mark's fiancée Stephanie, a student child psychologist, was due to marry him at Christmas.
She claims to have been unaware of his drug use. Which is, well, possible, I suppose.
She said: "We had been together for two years. He had never done drugs, this was all a total shock to me.
"When they told me he had died, I felt like I had been ripped apart. I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with him and now Jake's actions have stolen my future and my daughter will never know her dad."
Ummm, hang on. ‘Jake’s actions’..? No. Not just his…

It does take two to tango, doesn't it? Mark was a willing participant in a risky activity.
Stephanie said their daughter still won't be old enough for her to explain what happened to her father by the time Frayne is released from prison.
"I just want to protect her but I cannot save her from the day I have to sit down and tell her what Jake did," she said.
"I will have to say to my daughter, 'That man killed your dad'."
Don’t forget to add ‘because your dad was too stupid not to see the potential risks and so agreed to take illegal drugs’. I mean, surely a future child psychologist doesn't think hiding the truth is a good thing?

I'm not convinced this poor kid’s future isn't already sealed.

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