Friday, November 16, 2012

Another One On The DNA Register!

Mr Holloway, 46, of Malvern Close, Eastbourne, was well known in the area for sitting on benches outside public toilets by the Hampden Park station level crossing.
At about 7.30pm on Saturday, September 29, police were called to the spot and found him on the ground. Mr Holloway was conscious at the time and was taken to Eastbourne District General Hospital with what were thought to be only minor injuries.
But his condition worsened and he died at Hurstwood Park Neurosciences Centre in Haywards Heath at 6.15pm on Sunday.
Quick! Arrest the usual suspects! Literally...
Sussex Police arrested a 48-year-old Polish cleaning contractor on suspicion of murder and released him on bail.
They carried out house-to-house inquiries at dozens of homes.
Ah. But wait. Maybe there was no crime at all?
But detectives now believe that Mr Holloway had become abusive when the toilet attendant arrived to close the toilets for the night.
As the attendant drove off, Mr Holloway is believed to have hurled himself at the side of his van, bounced off and banged his head on the pavement.
The man has been told that no further action will be taken.

Now, I've no doubt the police commenters will be here soon to argue their corner but…is this really what we expect from the police ‘service’?

That they start arresting people before they even know if a crime has been committed? And if it turns out none has been, then it’s just ‘Off you go, sonny!’ with no apology..?

Meanwhile, over in Kingston, if they get real cases that aren't immediately solvable they just … close them.

Yes. Really!
Police came to the house after the incident and took fingerprints. But they closed the case after Mrs John was unable to identify the trespassers from photographs of known criminals.
She said: “The police just closed the case. What if they are new people who have not been in trouble with the police before? They would never catch them, would they?”
Well, indeed! But don't worry, when they have everyone on their database, things'll work just fine, I'm sure...

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