Thursday, November 29, 2012

This Must Be The ‘Farscape’ Version Of A Peacekeeper?

Mrs Turner said Gray had “tried to act as peacekeeper and tried to prevent this incident escalating”, but admitted “it was a reckless assault”.
So…just how did this fragrant flower of femininity attempt to ‘keep the peace’..?
She appeared alongside Lorraine Ann Edwards, 30, of Ordnance Lane, who was charged with affray following an incident at the Black Bull pub in Hull Road on August 19 last year.
Mr Barker told the court Edwards had argued with her ex-partner, Christopher Edwards, over the phone while he was in the pub, and she and Gray, who had both been drinking, went to face him in person.
The court heard an argument ensued, before Edwards punched the victim repeatedly. The court heard Gray, who was holding a broken glass, had lashed out at Mr Edwards, causing a cut to his neck which needed stitches.
The fight then continued in the car park, with Lorraine Edwards also assaulting a woman who came to the victim’s assistance.
Ah. OK. Well. That’s not how I’d have done it, but…

Oh, wait. We’re not quite finished:
Michelle Gray, 37, of Speculation Street, York, pleaded guilty at York Crown Court to charges of affray and possession of a bladed weapon.
Nicholas Barker, prosecuting, told the court Gray had woken residents of Constantine Avenue, Tang Hall, by shouting in the street at about 12.45am, and when a 35-week pregnant neighbour asked her to keep the noise down, she responded by insulting the woman, and said: “I’m going to get you when you have your baby” .
The court heard Gray also threatened two men who approached her in the street during the incident in March, telling one: “I’ll cut your throat”, and the other: “ I'm going to maim you”, before she lashed out with a kitchen knife and stabbed one of them in the thigh.
When she was arrested, Gray told police: “I admit I did it,” and: “He deserved what he got, end of” .
Lovely, I'm sure you’ll agree.
Taryn Turner, mitigating, said Gray was “a woman who is capable of controlling her anger, tackling her demons, and learning to cope with mental health issues she undoubtedly has”.
I've no doubt she is, but it seems she has little desire to do so, doesn’t it?

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