Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Don't You Know That It's Different For Girls?

A man who had a six-month fling with a teenage girl has been spared jail.
Cue hired mouthpiece!
Robert Duval, defending, said "Mr Friendship's life had been wrecked by his actions and now he could not even get employment as a cleaner as a result."
He told the judge: "He has never been in trouble in any way, shape or form in his life before these events.
"It is to his credit that he has been as frank as he has to the sexual relationship that has taken place.
"Had he not done so it is probable, although not certain, that he would not have been prosecuted and this matter would have made no news and he would not have appeared in the dock of a crown court in this country. He was not obliged to do that and he has been courageous for doing that.
"This was a genuine case of infatuation. This was not a case of exploitation and there is no evidence of coercion or sophistication or manipulation." Mr Duval added:
"The effects of this case upon him are irretrievable – they are permanent, they are punitive and they are humiliating and distressing."

Note: one or two details might have got a bit mixed up...

One to ponder on when you read the next tawdry 'revelations' in the Savile case, eh?

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