Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Seeing Out 2012 With A MONA Story?

A woman waiting at a bus stop in Streatham has died after being hit by a car involved in a collision in Norbury a few minutes earlier.
Unusually for this time of year, it doesn't seem to have been a drink-drive incident:
The first collision occurred at 5am between two cars in London Road at the junction with Ederline Avenue in Norbury.
Following the crash, involving an Audi and a Volkswagen, there was an altercation involving a number of men.
When plain clothes police officers, who had been on duty nearby, intervened, a number of men made off from the scene in the Audi.
Officers stayed with the injured driver of the Volkswagen and the man was taken to hospital where his condition is critical.
Police do not know at this time whether his injuries were sustained in the collision or the subsequent assault.
It tells you quite a bit about the assault that the injuries are indistinguishable from a car crash, eh?

It was then the bus stop incident occurred, killing a woman outright and severely injuring a man. Any description of the suspects beyond 'men', officers?
The occupants of the car left the scene before the police arrived.
Ah. Right. We'll all look out for 'occupants' then...

Update: Well, whaddaya know!? The 'Mail' has also dropped all reports of an 'altercation'. Curious.

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