Friday, December 21, 2012

Yes, I Do Believe The Children Are Our Future...

...and it's a future that scares me. Maybe there's a reason so many schools are so hung up on tolerating bullies. It's because they can't get any backing to do anything about them.

Not from the education tribunal:
The independent tribunal panel said the school "treated Max unfavourably because of something arising from his disability" in its decision last month.
The exclusion was ruled to be "disproportionate" and the use of the BIC "not appropriate to address or modify Max’s behaviour".
Details of his behaviour? It includes 'swearing, shouting out in class and refusing to obey teachers'.
Which the school dealt with by removing him from class. You know, to prevent any issues for the other children attending school. Does the tribunal give a tuppeny damn about them?

And the reason he was finally excluded? That was for
'refusing to visit the BIC as punishment for an unfounded physical assault allegation against a teacher.'
Yeah. Savour that one.

And certainly they get no backing from parents:
The five-year-old has bitten and punched other children and staff, thrown school equipment and stolen fruit.
On one occasion his entire class was evacuated to protect other pupils.
The last straw came when he kicked a teacher in the face as she bent over his chair.
But his parents claim he is well-behaved at home and say he has been ‘thrown on the scrapheap’ by the school.
‘They said they had to exclude him to ensure the safety of the staff and pupils but I don’t understand how a five-year-old can pose so much of a threat,’ said his father, Cameron, 27, a care home manager.
Volunteers to go round to Cameron's house to throw things, scream, bite, punch and kick him, anyone?
His mother, Laura, 22, a chef from Braintree, Essex, said: ‘Before Logan started school we didn’t know he had this side to him.
'It is like we are talking about two completely different boys. At home he does exactly what he is told and we have never seen him do any of the things the school say he did.
'He really is a clever boy and now that is being wasted.’
He's clever, all right. He knows not to shit on his own doorstep!
Mr and Mrs Steed believe their son should be at a mainstream school where he can socialise with other children.
And if he doesn't feel like 'socialising'? Well, I guess the other kids will just have to put up with it. He's not much of a threat, is he?

Set up a panel, by all means. Talk all you like. But action? Oooooh, no. We draw the line at that.

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