Sunday, December 9, 2012

This Vicar's Grown A Pair!

The Reverend John Wiseman probably thought he was doing God's work by discussing men's health issues on his blog.
But his decision to show men how to examine their privates using a suggestive snap of a man wearing just his boxer shorts outraged parishioners at Sketty Methodist Church, Swansea.
Why? Because we should think of the chiiilllldreeeennnn!
One longstanding parishioner, who did not wish to be named said: 'We understand he’s trying to get an important message across but we don’t need to see a suggestive picture of a man touching himself.
'Children can access the blog - it is inappropriate for a church minister to put this on the internet.'
Oh, for...! At least the Rev is not uttering some grovelling apology:
However the bearded Reverend was unrepentant about the posting, saying: 'I put the picture on the internet because testicular and prostate cancer are things that men in general don’t speak about.
'They wait until it is too late, by which time the available options are grossly reduced.'
 Good for you, Rev! And here's a 'more appropriate' picture for next year:

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