Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Comprehensive Education: A Failure

Fifteen schools in Nottingham are to provide their own training for new teachers...
These are primary schools. So it's in...what? Fingerpainting? How to sit on those teeny-tiny chairs?
...to help deal with the problem of disruptive pupils.
Good lord! Can't they cope with a few tantrums and a bit of boisterousness without resorting to training?
And teachers in Nottingham have welcomed the move, after facing growing problems in recent years. They say they have encountered:
Pupils jumping out of ground floor windows during lessons
Being threatened, sworn at and spat at
Having bags thrown at them.
One city teacher, who did not want to be named, said: "It's sad. In some classes there are three or four pupils trying to get on with their work and all around them there is mayhem, shouting and missiles being thrown."
Ah. I see. We're doomed, aren't we?

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