Thursday, December 6, 2012

Remember The Wise Words Of Larry Flynt…

Yes, I know he was talking about the US Constitution, but the principle’s the same:
A homeowner who sliced off part of a man's face with a Samurai sword as he fought off an attack on his own doorstep has been spared jail.
No, he’s not a fine, upstanding citizen himself:
Wilson, 36, grabbed an ornamental Samurai sword from his wall to protect himself after his ex-girlfriend called to say her jealous new boyfriend Craig Ogilvie was coming to assault him.
Hull Crown Court heard Mr Ogilvie had been drinking and had become jealous when Wilson had sent his former partner a text message about their child.
So unlike the homelife of our own dear Queen, eh?
Wilson's barrister John Thackray told the court: "One questions whether the Government's proposed policy of being more flexible would have come into force here.
"But he accepts the way the law stands at the moment."
Well, indeed! Is he not entitled to defend his home? Even hardened criminals should be, surely? A jury once thought so!
Judge Michael Mettyear said: "At first blush, it is a case where you were out by your house with a Samurai sword and the victim suffered unpleasant injuries as a result.
"If that was just the circumstances, then a substantial sentence would be called for which would involve you going to prison straight away.
"But it is not that straightforward because the victim was there at your home to beat you up."
But still, the CPS decided that this was a case ‘in the public interest’. Why, god only knows:
He said: "You had been notified that he was coming to beat you up, you knew something about him and were frightened of him and you were, to a degree, in a difficult position.
"You going out with a Samurai sword was bound to cause problems and make things worse and it did. "
It only made it ‘worse’ for the aggressor. I can’t see how that’s a bad thing, frankly…
Judge Mettyear said Wilson should have locked the door, secured his home and called the police for help instead of arming himself with the sword.
He said: "Your real criminality is not deliberately inflicting injuries but having put yourself in a position by being outside with a sword in your hand."
Yes, he should have trusted to the police. After all, when seconds count, they’re only minutes away.

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