Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Maybe It Does Come From Being 'A Professional Footballer'....

...and maybe it comes from something else:
"You have shown no remorse and you have not got the faintest idea what you put this woman through. You are only interested in what you want and think you deserve.
"Whether or not that comes from being a professional footballer, I don't know, but arrogance like that is simply not acceptable in this society."
Well, look at the circumstances:
The court heard how Ada met the woman at a club in London's West End in February this year. It was told that the pair exchanged phone numbers and arranged to meet up the following night at the woman's home.
The jury heard how Ada, now playing for Conference team Ebbsfleet United, suggested bringing a friend along but could not get hold of one. He arrived alone and he, the woman and her friend drank vodka.
But the court was told Ada's demeanour changed after a few hours and he demanded to be with the victim alone. He told her he had made "the effort and sacrifice" to come to her, before forcing himself on her and making her perform sex acts.
And just where was the woman's 'friend' at this point? Did she leave as demanded? Why?
After being told to leave, Ada sent a text saying: "I am sorry, I was drunk" and then, in a phone call to her friend, said: "I am sorry I forced her, but she had led me on," the jury heard.
Yes, yes. I know. But did she really expect him to think he'd been invited over to play 'Scrabble'?
Ada was arrested the next day at the Brewers' training ground. The court heard he initially denied that he had touched her.
However, he later told detectives he knew his victim's "type", as they wanted to grab hold of a footballer as it would give them a better and more glamorous life.
To most feminists, he might well be a lousy raping scumbag (but then, to a lot, all men are, regardless).

But...he's not entirely wrong, is he? And the role of the 'friend' in this whole affair is an odd one, I think you'll agree...

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