Wednesday, December 12, 2012

On The First Day Of Christmas, The Progressives Gave To Me...

...irrefutable evidence that, at heart, their desire to control the language knows no bounds:
Monday 10 December 2012 is national Plain English Day which recognises the best and worst of written and spoken communications.
Who could argue with that? Does anyone like governmentspeak?

Ah, but wait!
To raise awareness of the importance of using plain English when speaking to people with autism, we’re encouraging people to tweet their favourite silly phrases and everyday sayings to @NatAutisticSoc using #literallydaft. Here are a few examples to get you started:
It’s raining cats and dogs
Let’s go out for a run in the car
We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it
Not my cup of tea
Sayings like these are used in everyday situations but to some people with autism and Asperger syndrome they are taken literally and can cause confusion and, in some cases, fear and anxiety.

Which is, I guess, just how they want us to be...

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