Thursday, December 13, 2012

Baccalaureate Blues (For Some)...

The proposed English Baccalaureate. Will it be a winner?

Well, it's annoying the right sort of people:
...critics including Dr Vardy fear the move will result in arts subjects being sidelined as schools and students increasingly focus on the EBacc.
"Well-placed people I have spoken to say Michael Gove is adamant that this is the way things should be going and will push it through," Dr Vardy explained, adding: "I fear that it is because he wants to create economically effective units who will encourage growth, but that is short-sighted.
"Look at the financial crisis. We need young people with a broad range of skills and understanding, not a narrowing of education."
Yes! Who wants the next generation to learn how to be 'economically effective' when they could study so much more progressive and rewarding things instead?

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