Monday, December 10, 2012

Well, I'd Probably Need Tranquillisers If I Lived In Coulsden...

Working mother-of-three Sienna Jones tries to feed her family of five (Ed: Eh..?) from the plot.
She said: "My strawberries, onions, beetroots, shallots, garlic – they have just flattened everything. Netting is very expensive, and I may as well just go to the supermarket.
"You cannot cull them because the bullets travel too far [a danger in an urban area]. I would rather they were tranquillised and taken to another site.
"If others came back, they could do the same next year."
You know, if I lived in Coulsden and bullets started flying around, my first thoughts wouldn't be 'Oh. Must be deer culling time'...

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