Thursday, December 20, 2012

On The Ninth Day Of Christmas, The Progressives Gave To Me...

...moral equivalence between the bullies and the bullied:
So, I put it to the head teacher: what punishment are you giving these boys for making my son’s life a misery? ‘Oh, none,’ she replied. ‘We’re going to set up a drama group to help the three of them (including Monty) deal with their social responses.’

Social responses? What on earth was she talking about? I felt like she had swallowed a whole political correctness dictionary!

I rushed from the room, went straight home and told Monty that if either of those boys came anywhere near him again he had my permission to punch them — a social response I felt was quite appropriate under the circumstances. But I knew he wouldn't  He’s no angel, but punching is not his style.

Then the school suddenly changed tack. ‘This isn't actually a bullying matter,’ the head teacher informed me at the beginning of week three. ‘Bullying is the relentless targeting of one individual, and these two boys behave like this towards every child in the class.’

She then suggested — with Monty present — that it might be best to just ‘put up with it, and stop taking their behaviour so personally’.
And people wonder why the teaching profession is increasingly despised..?

Also, a curious belief that criminality 'just happens', a strange blindness in hiring staff, the unshakable belief that their desires should be everyone's desire, their belief that extortion and protectionism is just fine and dandy, shameless opportunism before the blood's even dry, the continued infiltration of the justice system, bah humbug, please save the Earth! and irrefutable evidence that, at heart, their desire to control the language knows no bounds.

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