Friday, December 7, 2012


Burnley Crown Court heard how HGV driver Timothy Bolchover, 26, had been barred from the Duke of Wellington in Great Harwood, which had then been his ‘local’, the night before.
But he then returned and demanded landlady Nadine Davies serve him.
I guess he doesn't know when 'Yer barred!' means exactly that...
Victim Mark Eccles, who was outside the premises chatting to Ms Davies, a friend of his, stepped between them as Bolchover was aggressive and the landlady thought she was going to be attacked.
The defendant tried to get past him, the victim told him Ms Davies didn't want him there and was punched in the eye by Bolchover.
It's really no wonder he was barred!
Ken Hind, defending, said Bolchover had been drinking and was out without his long- term partner. He thought the landlady would let him in.
I can't imagine why!
The defendant, of Stevenson Street West, Accrington, had admitted assault causing actual bodily harm, on July 31, last year.
He was given 10 months in jail,suspended for 18 months,with 150 hours unpaid work and must pay £250 compensation.

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