Monday, December 3, 2012

Oh, So Suddenly ‘Dog On Dog’ Attacks Are A Police Matter?

Or…does it only apply to working dogs?
A guide dog needed emergency treatment and 10 stitches to puncture wounds to his neck after a vicious dog attack.
Hmmm. What sort of dog?
… a white bull terrier type dog lunged and grabbed him by the face and neck.
Ah. What a surprise.
Two builders working nearby intervened to pull the attacking dog off and its owners left the area quickly after a number of passers by became involved.
What a pity the builders didn’t string ‘em up on the scaffolding…
Tony Cook from Guide Dogs said: "This incident clearly illustrates the importance of making sure that dogs are under the control of their owners at all times."
No! Stop generalising! What this incident illustrates is the growing threat of unsuitable owners with no control over their ‘pets’.
Describing the support she received Kane's owner, who wishes to remain anonymous, said: "I'd like to thank the people in Leigh who came to help me and looked after me whilst I was so upset.
Guide dogs have said they have been inundated with people phoning their centre in Atherton asking if Kane and I are ok. "The police are being very supportive and are trying to locate the people with this the dog. I've only had Kane for 8months, before I had him I hardly went out, he has changed my life."
It’s nice to see the police actually taking the view that this is a matter for them.

But why? Why is this not a service available to all? Is it 'special victim' status?

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