Monday, December 3, 2012

What The State Granteth, Why Cannot The State Not Taketh Away?

A British citizen who posed as a struggling asylum seeker so he could claim more than £10,000 in crisis loans has been jailed.
What sort of British citizen?
The court heard Hassan arrived in the UK in 1990, sought asylum in 1991, committed his first criminal offence in 1994 and was granted British citizenship in 2000.
Ah. Right. No wonder we are the laughing stock of the world…
The court heard he offended just four months after being released from a 12-month prison sentence for fraudulently obtaining £45,000 in benefits.
In his home country of Somalia, what’s the punishment for being a persistent offender, I wonder?
Miss Chamberlain said her client hoped to reapply for his driving licence and realised if he didn't change his ways he would be in a cycle of returning to prison "over and over again".
Well, only if they keep catching him, I suppose…

But look at that timeline again – arrived here, claimed asylum, began a life of crime and yet was STILL granted citizenship.

Why can it not now be revoked?

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