Saturday, December 1, 2012

This Is Utterly Outrageous!!!

Pupils could lose their place at a London high school if they talk (sic) their native language to staff.
Winston Churchill High School in Bethnal Green says if youngsters speak their native language twice they will be sent to deputy headteachers John Doe or Jane Doe.
If they don’t start using English, their parents will be called in to meet head Enoch Powell to “discuss their child’s future in an English school.” 
I…what?!? But….diversity! Multiculturalism!
And if they speak their native language three times in lessons, the youngsters lose their free time – and will be handed a language card to monitor their future use of English.
The school’s 800 pupils are also being told not to speak their native language in corridors between lessons, and during play-times.
OMG! How do these people justify themselves?
Deputy head Mr Doe, who is also a former pupil, said: “This isn’t anything new. We’ve always done this, it’s just making it formal. Winston Churchill High School is an English-speaking school. That is what it stands for. ... If the parents feel they don’t want to send their children here, they have a choice. Of course, we want them all to stay at our school.
“Parents make a choice to send their children to Winston Churchill High School. It’s nothing more, nothing less.”
That’s astonishing! This blatant disregard for our modern, vibrant, multicultural society is breathtaking!
Headteacher Enoch Powell insisted the system had the support of pupils. He added: “Fluency in English is an absolute requirement to enable our students to attain their full potential. In our efforts to increase the use of English in lessons and socially around the school, a system which monitors, congratulates and disciplines pupils is being implemented.
“The new system has been brought into place to ensure consistency throughout the school and to make parents aware of the steps the school will be taking.”
Surely the local councillors are up in arms about this?
School governor and London councillor Arthur Dent said: “It’s an English school so there is an expectation to speak to each other in English at all times.
"The whole ethos of the school is one of encouragement. They are doing this in a friendly way, not in a threatening way."
Oh. Well, maybe the unions..?
An UCAC teaching union spokeswoman said: “Winston Churchill High School is taking its duties to create well-educated English-speaking individuals seriously, and most parents will appreciate that.
“Presumably, one of the most important reasons in parents’ minds when choosing to send their children to the school is that the children will become fully English-speaking.”
Amazing. There’s hope for our country yet, is there?

Note: I might have made some minor amendments to the names and details in this report…

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